The meaning of the human rights (HR) discourse in health 1.The revived interest in a HR-based approach to development and…
The meaning of the human rights (HR) discourse in health 1.The revived interest in a HR-based approach to development and…
Universality and indivisibility Every woman, man, and child is entitled to enjoy her or his human rights simply by virtue…
In international law, a violation of human rights (HR) is deemed to be an offence, not only against the state,…
Human needs provide a critical grounding for human (people’s) rights (HR). Not all needs correspond to rights though, and not…
Processes are occurring every day that make people poor. So, it is legitimate to ask: Where is the end of…
It has never been proven that improving the provision of services through privatization is the best approach to the problems…
In their work –and not that this is easy– human rights (HR) activists ought to make practical experiences influence theory,…
Human rights (HR) violations are varied and dynamic; they and/or their character and intensity change over time. Commonly found patronage…
Respecting and fulfilling human rights (HR) has a cost indeed –maybe even in terms of economic growth foregone. But solidarity,…
In a free-market world economy, Third World countries are not being given the benefits they and their economies need, but…